Jamar Watkins Wins MLK Regional Oratorical Competition
Jahna Crump Starts Her Summer Volunteering at a Village in Ghana

During the closing program this yeatr, we heard about Jahna Crump;s upcoming trip to Ghana. Well, she has arrived and she is quite busy, She has prom,ised to document the trip for her project ENRICh colleagues and this is her first installment snt in on July 12: "Since last week was my final week of volunteer work while I am here in Ghana, I figured I would give you all a report on what we have accomplished while being here. While in Ghana we have....
- Given 8 kids the opportunity to go to school and paid for their school fees
- Possibly gave a child a home (praying that Afia will one day become another little sister of mine)
- Blessed an entire school with new school supplies
- Fed a family and gave them food for the next week or two
- Gave almost 20 orphans new clothes and toys
- Prepared a meal for 8 girls who can't afford to board at school and pay for meals
- Blessed endless needy children and their parents with money
- Brought happiness and joy to many children's lives